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ACEM - Manaaki Mana Kaikōkiri Hui

Australasian College for Emergency Medicine

Manaaki Mana Kaikōkiri Hui 2024

Pūkaha National Wildlife Centre
21 - 23 October 2024

Tēnā koutou katoa. Nau mai, haere mai and welcome.

Korihi te manu. Tākiri mai te ata. Ka ao, ka ao, ka awatea. Tihei mauri ora! The bird sings. The morning has unfurled. The new day has broken. Behold there is life! Tēnā koutou katoa. Nau mai, haere mai & welcome. ACEM and Te Rōpū Manaaki Mana invite you to our 2024 Kaikōkiri Hui. Me mahara ai tātou ngā uara o Manaaki Mana Manaakitanga. Whanaungatanga. Aroha. Wairua. Whakamana. Tika me Pono. Kaitiakitanga. Our Manaaki Mana uara (values) are a vital part of our work in emergency care, and provide the theme for our hui. Join us for three days and two nights from Monday 21 October to Wednesday 23 October for wānanga (discussions), whakawhanaungatanga (relationship building), akoranga (learning) and ngā mahi pārekareka (recreational activities). Responding to feedback from the 2022 Kaikōkiri Hui, we have planned to allow more time for kaikōkiri from the different emergency departments (EDs) to present their work, and for wānanga (discussions) and less time for formal presentations, however we will have some speakers presenting on topics of interest to Māori whānau and emergency department staff. When you register for the hui, we will be asking you which ED kaikōkiri group you belong to, and what you most want from the hui, to ensure the programme meets the needs of kaikōkiri. We will be asking each of our ED kaikōkiri groups to talk about what they are working on, what they are most proud of, and what support they most need from ACEM and Manaaki Mana. Registration includes kai (food) and entertainment. Delegates can opt to make alternative accommodation arrangements around Masterton or Palmerston North but will need their own transport. Further details to come regarding transport, tikanga (cultural etiquette) and what to bring. Ngā mihi nui, kia haumaru, ACEM & Te Rōpū Manaaki Mana